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Calma Eladio

¡Descubre la frescura local en su máxima expresión con nuestros productos frescos directamente de huertas cercanas! En nuestro mercado en línea, te ofrecemos una amplia variedad de frutas y verduras cuidadosamente cultivadas por agricultores locales apasionados. Con cada bocado, podrás saborear la esencia pura de la naturaleza, mientras apoyas a la comunidad agrícola de la región.

¿Qué es Calma Eladio?

Calma Eladio es mucho más que un sello de frutas y verduras de proximidad.

Es una manera de entender la vida, más sana, más justa y comprometida. Es nuestro granito de arena para intentar cambiar algunas dinámicas de consumo y ayudar a las generaciones venideras a que se encuentren un mundo un poquito mejor.

Nuestra selección diaria de productos frescos es un despliegue de colores y sabores, recién cosechados para llevar a tu mesa la esencia misma de la temporada cultivada en tu huerta de km0. Desde jugosas sandías hasta tomates maduros y crujientes lechugas, nuestra oferta está cuidadosamente seleccionada para garantizar la máxima calidad y sostenibilidad.

¿Por qué elegir productos de Calma Eladio?

Al comprar nuestros productos procedentes de huertos de proximidad cercanas:

1) Consumes producto fresco, de más calidad y por lo tanto, más nutritivo y sano. La cercanía permite reducir el tiempo de desplazamiento del centro de recolección al punto de venta, donde los alimentos llegan en un mejor estado al ser recolectados en su momento óptimo de maduración.,

2) Ayudas a los pequeños y medianos agricultores locales a subsistir, recibiendo un precio más justo por sus productos al reducir intermediarios y facilitándoles el acceso al canal comercial. Además de crear puestos directos de trabajo, de fomentar la economía local y mantener vivo algo tan importante como es nuestro entorno rural.

3) Reduces la huella de carbono producida en la comercialización y distribución de los productos de importación, así como todas las emisiones de gases derivadas que potencian el efecto invernadero. El desplazamiento de grandes distancias necesita más embalaje y, por tanto, deja más residuos y mucha más contaminación.

¡Haz de cada comida una experiencia deliciosa y saludable con nuestros productos frescos! Navega por nuestro mercado en línea y déjate tentar por la vibrante variedad que tenemos para ofrecerte. Comprar local nunca ha sido tan fácil y gratificante. ¡Agrega los sabores de la huerta a tu vida con un solo clic!

Conoce a nuestros agricultores

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€1.79 el kilo
Availability: 100 In Stock

Eggplant: A Culinary Gem

The eggplant, with its smooth texture and versatile flavor, is a culinary gem that can transform any dish. Whether grilled, stuffed in a delicious moussaka, or as a star ingredient in a flavorful curry, the eggplant brings a unique depth of flavor and an irresistible creaminess. With its ability to absorb flavors and its versatility in the kitchen, eggplant is an essential ingredient for any creative cook.


€1.74 el kg.
Availability: 100 In Stock

Benefits of Celery in Cooking

Celery is a highly versatile vegetable used in kitchens worldwide. It has a fresh, crunchy flavor with a slight sweetness and herbal notes. It can be used in salads, soups, stews, as a garnish for main dishes, and can also be mashed. Additionally, it is a good source of fiber, vitamins, and essential minerals for a healthy diet. In the kitchen, celery is a highly valued ingredient for its ability to add flavor and texture to any dish.


€10.50 bolsa 80gr.
Availability: 100 In Stock

Discover the Flavor Explosion with Wasabi Arugula Sprouts

Add excitement to your dishes with Wasabi arugula sprouts! Experience the distinctive spiciness of wasabi combined with the freshness of arugula in every bite. Perfect for sushi, salads, and more. Make your meals memorable with this unique flavor twist!


€1.74 el kg.
Availability: 100 In Stock

Butternut Squash: An Autumn and Winter Delight

The butternut squash is a vegetable from the cucurbitaceae family, characterized by its violin or guitar-shaped form and a pale yellow skin, depending on the variety. It has orange and sweet flesh, with a smooth and pleasant flavor. It is a widely consumed vegetable in autumn and winter, with high nutritional value as it is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.


€2.28 el kg.
Availability: 100 In Stock

Enjoy the Freshness of Dutch Cucumber

The Dutch cucumber is a perfect choice to enjoy a fresh and crunchy cucumber. With its elongated shape and bright green skin, this cucumber is known for its refreshing flavor and juicy texture. It is ideal for adding to salads, sandwiches, or simply enjoying as a healthy snack. Additionally, the Dutch cucumber is low in calories and an excellent source of hydration. Add Dutch cucumber to your shopping list and discover the quality and freshness that this variety offers. You will love its flavor and versatility in the kitchen!


€1.80 el kg.
Availability: 100 In Stock

Benefits of Red Potato

Red potato is an irresistible option that you cannot overlook. With their striking red skin and firm, tender flesh, these potatoes are perfect for adding color and flavor to your dishes. Their mild and sweet taste makes them an ideal choice for roasting, boiling, or baking. From side dishes to fresh salads and comforting stews, red potatoes are versatile and adapt to a variety of recipes. Don't resist their charm and add these vibrant potatoes to your shopping list. Discover the pleasure of cooking with red potatoes and delight your loved ones with flavorful and colorful dishes!


€1.50 manojo 600gr.
Availability: 100 In Stock

Spanish Turnip Benefits in Cooking

The Spanish turnip is an exceptional choice to add flavor and versatility to your recipes. With its round shape and smooth white skin, these turnips are known for their sweet taste and tender texture.

Nutrients and Health

They are an ideal option for baking, boiling, stewing, or as an ingredient in soups and stews. The Spanish turnip is rich in nutrients such as vitamin C and fiber, making it a healthy addition to your diet.


€1.55 la pieza
Availability: 100 In Stock

Benefits of Green Lollo : Everything You Need to Know

Green Lollo is a variety of lettuce with separate and very curly leaves, light green in color. Originating from Italy, it is widely used for garnishing dishes and combining in salads. Discover its benefits and nutritional properties..


€1.61 la pieza
Availability: 100 In Stock

Lollo Rosso:

Lollo Rosso is a variety of lettuce with separated leaves, curly edges, and a reddish-purple color at the tips. Discover more about this delicious and healthy option for your salads.


€1.52 manojo 80gr.
Availability: 100 In Stock



is an aromatic plant of the Mentha genus, obtained from the crossbreeding of black mint and white mint. It is characterized by its lanceolate and highly fragrant leaves, and its spike-like lilac-colored flowers. Hierbabuena can be used in gastronomy, perfumery, and natural medicine, as it has many properties and health benefits.


€1.02 la pieza
Availability: 100 In Stock

Explore the Benefits of Green Cabbage in Your Diet

Green cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable characterized by its round shape and thick, crunchy leaves. It is rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, making it a healthy option to include in your diet. It can be eaten raw in salads, but it's also popular cooked in dishes like soups, stews, and stir-fries. As a cook, I love the versatility of cabbage and how its mild, sweet flavor can complement and enhance a wide variety of ingredients and flavors. Cabbage is a kitchen staple and its presence in many recipes is a true testament to its culinary value.


€1.08 el kg.
Availability: 100 In Stock

Green onions, also known as scallions or spring onions, are harvested before the bulb thickens and hardens. They are characterized by their long, green stem and tender, white root. Their flavor is milder and sweeter than that of dried onions, and they can be consumed both raw and cooked. Green onions are commonly used in salads, soups, stews, sauces, and other dishes. They are also known as scallions, chives, or spring onions. Green onions are rich in water, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and have diuretic, antiseptic, and purifying properties.


€5.16 el kg.
Availability: 100 In Stock

Garlic is a plant from the Amaryllidaceae family, native to Central Asia. It is highly valued in gastronomy for its intense and distinctive flavor, as well as its beneficial properties for health. Garlic can be consumed both raw and cooked and is used in a wide variety of dishes, from soups and stews to sauces and marinades.


€1.26 600gr.
Availability: 99 In Stock

The Versatility of Chard in the Kitchen

Chard is a highly versatile vegetable in the kitchen that can be consumed both raw and cooked. It has a mild and slightly bitter flavor, similar to spinach, and its texture is tender and juicy. Chard leaves can be sautéed, steamed, used in soups and stews, or even eaten raw in salads.


€10.33 el kg.
Availability: 97 In Stock

The striped watermelon is a variety of watermelon characterized by its dark green skin with lighter green stripes. Its flesh is juicy, sweet, and refreshing, with a characteristic red or pink color. This watermelon is known for its delicious flavor and crunchy texture. It is a popular fruit in the summer and is consumed fresh in slices or in fruit salads.

Approximate weight: 7Kg


€1.02 el kg.
Availability: 91 In Stock

Lemons: The Citrus Touch that Transforms Your Dishes

Lemons, small spheres of freshness, not only bring a citrusy touch to your dishes but have also become an essential culinary element in kitchens worldwide. Discover how this versatile fruit elevates your recipes, from salads to desserts, with its characteristic acidic and vibrant flavor.


€7.80 el kg.
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Availability: Out of stock

Reina fig is a variety of fig with an elongated shape and thin skin that ranges in color from green to dark purple when ripe. Its flesh is sweet and juicy, with a smooth and slightly honeyed flavor. This fig variety is prized for its delicate taste and texture, and it is consumed fresh or in various culinary preparations.


€2.04 el kg.
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Availability: Out of stock

Enjoy the Freshness of Spanish Short Cucumber

Spanish short cucumber is a delicious choice for your fresh and healthy dishes. With its rounded shape and compact size, this cucumber is known for its crunchy texture and refreshing flavor.


€2.16 el kg.
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Availability: Out of stock

Benefits of Red Cabbage

Red cabbage, also known as purple cabbage, is a variety of cabbage characterized by its intense purple color and smooth, crunchy leaves. It has a slightly sweet flavor and is rich in antioxidants and nutrients, such as vitamin C and fiber. It can be eaten raw in salads, but it is also popular cooked in dishes such as stews, soups, and casseroles, where its vibrant color adds an interesting visual touch to any meal.


€2.75 el kg.
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Availability: Out of stock

Importance of Pumpkin in the Kitchen

Pumpkin is a vegetable from the cucurbitaceae family, characterized by its round or oval shape and skin color ranging from orange, green to yellow, depending on the variety. It has sweet, orange flesh with a mild and pleasant flavor. It is a highly consumed vegetable in autumn and winter and has high nutritional value, being rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.