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Kenya beans are a type of green bean characterized by their round and thin pods, measuring about 15 to 20 cm long and 0.5 to 1 cm wide. Kenya beans are a low-calorie food rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They have a sweet and tender flavor that makes them highly valued in the kitchen.

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Kenya beans, also known as African green beans, are a variety of flat and elongated green beans characterized by their sweet flavor and smooth texture. Unlike other varieties of green beans, Kenya beans have thin skin and no strings, making them very easy to prepare and eat.

Origin and Cultivation of Kenya Beans

They are native to Africa and have been cultivated throughout the continent for centuries. Currently, they are grown in many parts of the world, including Asia, South America, Australia, and Europe. Beans are typically grown in warm and humid climates and prefer nutrient-rich, well-drained soils. They are often grown in family gardens and harvested by hand to maintain their quality and flavor.

Kenya Beans: Nutritional Values

Beans are an excellent source of fiber, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. They are especially rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate, which are important for immune system health, blood clotting, and blood cell formation.

Culinary Use and Varieties

Kenya beans are a very versatile vegetable in the kitchen and can be used in many different ways. They can be steamed, boiled, stir-fried, roasted, or added to soups and stews. They are also great in salads and cold dishes.

There are several varieties of Kenya beans available, each with its own distinctive characteristics. Some of the most popular varieties include:

  • Kenya Star: This variety is known for its sweet and mild flavor. It has thin skin and is easy to prepare.
  • Kenya King: This variety has a crunchy texture and is perfect for stir-frying and wok cooking.
  • Kenya Queen: This variety is known for its large size and sweet, mild flavor. It is excellent in salads and cold dishes.

Recipes with Kenya Beans

Flat green beans sautéed with garlic and lemon:


  • 500 grams of flat green beans
  • 3 cloves of minced garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 lemon

Instructions: Wash and dry the flat green beans, then cut them into small diagonal pieces. Heat the olive oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Add the minced garlic and sauté for 1 minute until golden. Add the green beans to the pan and mix well with the garlic. Sauté for 5-7 minutes until the beans are tender and crispy. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Squeeze the juice of one lemon over the green beans and mix well before serving.


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