Roasting Green Peppers
Roasting green peppers are a medium to large-sized variety commonly used for roasting and cooking in Mediterranean cuisine. Known for their sweet and slightly spicy flavor, they are a popular ingredient in dishes such as Spanish omelette, gazpacho, and salads. Roasting green peppers have an elongated, conical shape with a shiny dark green skin. Their flesh is thick and juicy, with a smooth and crunchy texture. This type of pepper is rich in nutrients, such as vitamin C and vitamin A, and also contains antioxidants and other beneficial compounds for health.
Originating from Spain, roasting green peppers are a highly popular variety in the Murcia region, where they are cultivated in large quantities. They are also grown in other regions of Spain and in other Mediterranean countries such as Italy and Greece. Roasting green peppers are mainly used for cooking and roasting, as their thick and juicy flesh holds firm and does not easily fall apart. They can also be used in salads, sauces, and stews to add flavor and texture. Additionally, roasted green peppers have therapeutic properties, such as improving digestion and reducing inflammation.
As for interesting facts, roasting green peppers are known to have a high content of capsaicin, giving them their characteristic spicy flavor. It is also said that this pepper can help alleviate pain and improve blood circulation. The quintessential dish where roasted green peppers are used is the famous "tortilla de patatas con pimiento," a classic of Spanish cuisine that combines potatoes, eggs, and roasted green peppers. Today, it is cultivated in many regions of Spain and other Mediterranean countries and is highly valued both for its flavor and its nutritional properties.