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€1.86 bandeja 100gr.
Availability: 100 In Stock

Discover the Flavor of Habanero Chili!

Get ready to experience the heat and intense flavor of habanero chili! Buying habanero chili is the perfect choice for lovers of spicy flavors. Originating from the Caribbean region, this small but powerful chili is known for its heat and fruity aroma. With a spiciness level that awakens your senses, habanero chili adds a bold and spicy touch to your favorite dishes. Whether you use it in sauces, guacamole, marinades, or even in exotic dishes, habanero chili will transport you to a world full of intense flavors. Don't resist the temptation and buy habanero chili to add a spicy and exciting touch to your meals!


€3.54 bandeja 100gr.
Availability: 100 In Stock

Discover the Flavor of Green Thai Chili

Green Thai chili is a spicy and aromatic fruit used to add flavor and color to many Asian dishes. It has an elongated and narrow shape, with a smooth surface, and its color is light green when unripe. Its spiciness is very high, so it should be used in moderation and with care. Its taste is citrusy and floral, with notes of lime and herbs. It can be used fresh, dried, or pickled, and pairs well with coconut milk, ginger, garlic, and curry.


€3.54 bandeja 100gr.
Availability: 100 In Stock

Discover the Flavor of Red Thai Chili

Red Thai chili is a spicy and aromatic fruit used to flavor and add color to many Asian dishes. It has an elongated and narrow shape, with a smooth surface, and its color is intense red. Its spiciness is very high, so it should be used with moderation and care. Its flavor is citrusy and smoky, with floral and herbal notes. It can be used fresh, dried, or pickled, and pairs well with rice, noodles, fish, meats, and vegetables.


€1.86 bandeja 100gr.
Availability: 100 In Stock

Discover the Flavor of Habanero Chili Pepper

The habanero chili pepper is a spicy and aromatic fruit used to add flavor and color to many dishes. It has an oval or elongated shape, with a wrinkled surface, and its color can vary from green to red, passing through orange and brown. Its spiciness is very high, so it should be used with moderation and care. Its flavor is fruity and floral, with citrusy and smoky notes. It can be used fresh, dried, or pickled, and pairs well with meats, fish, rice, beans, and sauces.


€2.95 bandeja 100gr.
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Availability: Out of stock

Unlock the Power of Scorpion Pepper

Scorpion pepper is an extremely spicy chili originating from Trinidad and Tobago. It has an irregular and pointed shape reminiscent of a scorpion's sting. Its flavor is fruity and floral, but also very fiery and lingering. It should be used with great caution and in small quantities as it can cause irritation and pain. It's ideal for adding an explosive touch to sauces, marinades, and curries.


€2.95 bandeja 100gr.
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Availability: Out of stock

Unleash the Potential of Arbol chili pepper

Arbol chili pepper is a dried chili with intense flavor and moderate spiciness. It has a smoky aroma and a hint of nuttiness that adds depth to sauces and marinades. Its bright red color makes it ideal for garnishing dishes and providing visual contrast. It can be used whole, chopped, or ground, depending on the desired effect.